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StartUs Insights, an Austria-based but worldwide operating company, created a startup heat map and analyzed 57 open civic data startups impacting smart cities. Metadata,, and Civic Ledger develop 3 top solutions to watch out for.


We as are very proud to get this reference. As StartUs Insights wrote:

«We recently looked into emerging technologies and up-and-coming startups working on solutions for Smart Cities. As there is a large number of startups working on a wide variety of solutions, we want to share our insights with you. This time, we are taking a look at 3 promising open civic data startups.»

StartUs Insights specializes in the early identification of emerging startups, technologies, and their business models. They deliver actionable innovation intelligence driven by big data and artificial intelligence.

Their validation of our platform is very promising: – EU Political Open Data
Politics in the European Union (EU) is daunting even with the availability of open data from each of the EU agencies. The huge amount and variety of data available make analysis an expensive and time-consuming process. Startups apply big data, data analytics, database management, and search algorithms to allow users to easily and quickly sort through political and business data.
The Swiss startup develops a database platform for professionals working in the field of politics. Their database collects all the business data from 26 cantonal and national parliaments daily. It then structures the data in a manner such that it is easy to index and analyze.


Ask us anytime for our recent roadmap and to get a presentation. We are ready to smooth and ease your politics data life.

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